While Visibility and Transparency are commonplace in the current business lexicon, are manufacturers really getting meaningful and more importantly actionable information producing results?

Each year, the healthcare world, the general population, and the government call for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers to comply with more and more transparency, especially in regard to pricing: manufacturers must now allow visibility into the calculation of the 340B Ceiling price, which is offered through HRSA OPA. Does that really solve the greater challenge?

Through the execution of each Pharmaceutical Pricing Agreement and the Addendums, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers have had to conform and contort themselves to regulations placed upon them, but here’s where it gets sticky, who reports data back to the manufacturers?

Wholesalers, Pharmacies and Covered Entities take advantage of the pricing discounts on the 340B eligible medications on an annual spend of $25 billion per year. The growth rate over the last 5 years has been approximately 24%, which is quite significant. A recent survey suggests that one-third of the annual spend is fraudulent.

Pharmalytiq is here to solve the opaqueness within the 340B world with its revolutionary platform, PharmaSee. Through our platform, we will track Pill-to-Patient ensuring compliance along the way. This is not an auditing platform, but rather a tool that can simplify the auditing process. This is continuous monitoring ™ in controllable increments. We allow the manufacturer to track and trace their medication through the supply chain and ultimately back, upon expiration.

We offer three distinct products through one platform, PharmaSeePharmaSee Direct, and PharmaSee Returns.

PharmaSee provides compliance and monitoring after the covered entities receive the eligible discounted medications. We work with each entity to provide real time compliance on each of their eligible patients and scripts, which will be certified by each entity and verified through our robust API platform.

PharmaSee Direct provides oversight and real time monitoring over the chargeback process. This bolt-on tool allows for the tracking of each unit from Manufacturer Dock to Pharmacy Shelf.

PharmaSee Returns provides real-time feedback on the expired medications that make their way back to each manufacturer. We will work with returns companies to streamline their returns and minimize any unnecessary outlay.